Saturday, September 14, 2013

One Year Later

I originally started this blog just so I can practice my writing technique, find my voice and to get in a writing rhythm when one of the many advertising agencies I've emailed gets back to me.  Plus I had some ideas rumbling that I wanted to put down.  Has the blog been a success? I'd say so, I'm still using it.  Whether I'm telling a story, sharing my opinion on a popular topic, hearing a song then writing about it, suggesting what you should watch or making a list, I'm still forming my thoughts/ideas into pieces that I'll share and feel good about later.

Have I gotten better?  I want to say yes but no one has ever challenge anything I've written.  You can't call yourself the best in the world if you haven't been challenged.  It's a learning experience.  The worst that can happen is you fail and there's nothing wrong with failing.  You think you came out the womb walking and talking?  Nope, you crawled and fell a number of times trying to walk.  If you've been succeeding for so long and never failed at anything, I'd hate to see you when that day comes because I don't know if you're going to back up again.

A key for me was to get reps. I needed to see things that I couldn’t see standing on the sidelines. That’s where guys like Tim Tebow are: We know he’s a work in progress, but the only way to get that progress is to find situations and to play.  I know you want to play in the NFL, but right now you need to find places to hone your craft. Whether that’s Canada, whether that’s the Arena League, whether that’s anywhere else, I would encourage him, whatever the opportunity is, to take advantage of it and go play as much football as you can." - Kurt Warner on Tim Tebow.

If you want to be great at something you dream of, you got to wet your feet somewhere before you go in the deep end.  I've written a few things here and there (some places I have beef with), done the internships and currently at a pitstop but I'm trying to make it back on that main road.  I haven't given up which I'm proud of the most.  But after awhile if you believe in yourself, you gotta tell it like it is to some folks.

Recently, Dave Chappelle told a story to Spin about a time Kanye West came to perform on Chappelle Show before he blew up to become Yeezus today.  It's a great story but the ending is the real kicker.  Chappelle shows Kanye some unaired unedited sketches including the Rick James sketch.  Kanye gets a call and this is how it goes....
He answers the phone, he goes, “Hello. Huh? What? Uh uh, I can’t. I can’t. Cause, I’m at Dave Chappelle’s show watching sketches that nobody’s ever seen before.”  And then he says, “Cause my life is dope, and I do dope sh*t,” and then he hung up the phone.
I really think I need to tell these agency people the business.  I'm dope and we can do dope things together, hire me.  If not you're missing out on a dope writer that listens to better music than you, watches better television than you and is more dope than whoever you hire that's not me.  Yeah, I'm definitely gonna end each email with that.

Well, I just want to pat myself on the back ala Barry Horowitz, I made this blog a year ago today and still using it.  You should look around, I've written some dope things.  If I can tag the best ones, I'd simply tag them as: dropping_knowledge_without_coming_off_as_overly_self-righteous.  Now I'm going to look back and see how far I've come.  Thanks for reading what I've written, if you like something share it.

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